Guelph Men's Recreational Slopitch League (Guelph Slo Pitch)

PrintGuelph Men's Recreational Slopitch League

Founded in 1975, the Guelph Men’s Recreational Slo-pitch League is a fun league geared towards players of all skill levels.
 What started as a six team-league has now grown to include 26 teams, with 12 teams playing on Tuesday nights and 14 on Thursday nights.

The league is for men who are 33 years of age or older, as of December 31st of the playing year, and who live or work in Guelph or surrounding areas.
 League fees include a team jersey, your entire regular season, playoffs, a mid-season tournament, season opening and season closing banquets.

 If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact [email protected] .
We’ll get back to you right away.